Pacific Radio

Taking the Tinsel Beyond the Town

While ATF leads with world-class design, not all engagements require design utilization. Such was the case with Pacific Radio. A brick & mortar family business since 1930, PacRad now has a thriving online storefront supplying Hollywood and A/V professionals worldwide. PacRad had a specific, narrow mission; upgrade from Magento 1 to Magento 2 and take advantage of the best-in-class B2B functionality M2 provides. No frills or redesign required.
Magento 2

We Got the Hookup

Faced with a looming Magento 1 end-of-life, and a growing business-to-business customer class that wanted the ability to purchase and manage their account online, ATF architected and built the platform migration to Magento 2 Commerce. Only very light template enhancements were enacted, the name of the game was speed & stability. Once accomplished, we now work together for ongoing maintenance and evolution – a perfect example of when the entire kitchen sink is overkill, and a phased, iterative approach is the best fit. We did have a chance to do some fun stuff together – make sure and check out the custom designed, responsive cable builder with visual build components.


• UX Strategy
• Responsive Design
• Magento 2 Migration
• Development


• Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration
• Custom Cable Configurator
• B2B Functionality
• Responsive Design
• Multiple Price Groups
• Regression Testing
• Extension Rebuild



Business and technology are challenging enough, why add unnecessary BS? Move on up to the front and drop us a line.