3 B2B Marketing Automation Tactics That Drive Results

3 B2B Marketing Automation Tactics That Drive Results

With data-driven approaches to marketing, aided by technology, companies can define and track the success of any ambitious goals they might have. Marketing automation has made it possible for businesses to do more with fewer resources than ever before. There are a lot of marketing automation tools and tactics out there but today we’re highlighting three B2B tactics that can help you streamline operations and improve your overall marketing performance.

Automated Email Marketing

With over 4 billion email users daily, this is one of the oldest yet still viable digital marketing strategies. With an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent on average, it’s obvious why email marketing is one of the top B2B marketing automation tools. But most companies struggle with following up on email leads generated or focus on pushing them through unoptimized sales funnels. With a sequence of automated emails triggered based on data, you can save time and resources while scaling your outreach. Many automations can help you nurture leads or close sales without a stacked sales team to do the heavy lifting. Most of the email automation will follow a specific sequence; here is an example of one for lead generation:

  1. Awareness Content: Generally starts with an email blast letting prospects know about your brand and the services that you provide focusing solely on your area of expertise.
  2. Interest Content: This email contains content that will give your consumer more specific information that was marked as an interest from your previous email or form.
  3. Decision Content: This email is when the consumer is making a final decision and selecting a product or service.
  4. Incentive Content: This email you send to your customer when you want to motivate them to act on an offer.

This is just one of the many automated email sequences you can set up to generate more leads. Your B2B automated emails need to be personalized based on user data and set to trigger for a timely response. B2B email sequences are generally long term investments.

Interested in getting started with email marketing automation or need help optimizing your email flows. Learn how Above The Fray can help. We have the experience and knowledge to help you get the most out of your automated email sequences. Let’s work together to boost your customer engagement. Reach out.

Automated Chatbots

Reducing employee workload while simultaneously increasing sales and customer experience sounds like a dream but is, in fact, more accessible than you think. From the moment someone visits your site, a chatbot is there to assist. Customers can access real-time answers about products and services you provide without any wait time to connect to a service agent and the ability to guide your customers based on browser history, feedback, and previous purchases. A well programmed chatbot can be one of the best sales associates and customer service representatives you will ever have. Many onsite chatbots can solve common customer problems without the need for human intervention including:
  • Answering support tickets
  • Retrieving the status of an order
  • Receiving order cancellations and processing refunds
  • Providing product recommendations
  • Or, connecting the user to a live chat agent if the request requires additional support
Chatbots can improve satisfaction, increase engagement, drive sales, and generate new leads for sales. Let us help you integrate AI-driven chatbot software to your site. Let’s Chat.

Automated Product Reviews

As we start normalizing post-pandemic, some habits are here to stay. Online reviews are more critical now than ever before, even for B2B businesses, as many customers shopping online conduct their own research before visiting your website or contacting sales. The need for good product review software for your site is paramount. Most importantly, you want an automated review site to back you up, where customers feel they can leave honest reviews of the products or services you offer. Building off this community and displaying your honest reviews can bolster your audience’s confidence in your product, making them more likely to be satisfied with correct expectations.

Build an Online Presence

In today’s markets, having an online store is essential for most successful businesses. Reviews can help bolster your presence online and offline alike. When looking for a product or service, potential customers will look you up and immediately look for reviews. A lack of reviews leave potential customers feeling uncertain, which is not what you want when you’re trying to make a sale. Remember, that it’s not simply about gathering reviews but responding appropriately to both positive and negative reviews to help build brand loyalty and trust.

Link Your Reviews

Some customers will purchase directly from your site and leave their reviews there, especially in the B2B market. Others will purchase on retailer websites or marketplaces, and leave reviews there. And others will choose to review your products and services on third-party review sites. Leverage the positive reviews for your products and services by linking out to those reviews wherever they live and consider an automated system like Yotpo, to automatically display those reviews directly on your product pages.

Make It Simple

Making it easy for your customers to leave reviews can make it much more likely that they will take the time to leave you one. Using an automated review tool, like the previously mentioned Yotpo, you can automate the ask for your consumer’s review by email or SMS. Not only can this bolster the number of reviews you receive, but these are qualified reviews from customers who have purchased your product, generating more trust in potential buyers.

Closing thoughts

These three just scratch the surface of the benefits that can be garnered from an automated review tool. Displaying reviews will help generate trust and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates for your products. 

We hope you are energized to execute on these B2B marketing automations. When you implement these strategies correctly, you can see real results based on data-driven facts. 

Interested in how Above The Fray can help you with B2B marketing automation? Let’s Chat