Migration SEO Services

Replatforming doesn’t have to mean traffic loss. With a solid SEO migration plan in place, replatforming or changing your domain doesn’t have to result in losing your hard earned organic rankings. At Above The Fray, we specialize in seamlessly navigating website launches placing SEO at the forefront of every decision we make.

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Why Choose ATF for SEO Migration Services?


01 Proven Expertise

Migrating your website is a high stakes SEO endeavor and it can easily go very wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing. Our team of SEO experts has 15+ years of experience successfully migrating websites and a proven process for getting it done right.


02 Data Driven Strategy

Did you know that the 80/20 rule applies to most websites? More than 80% of organic traffic is usually driven by less than 20% of URLs on a website. We conduct a thorough pre-launch audit at the start of every SEO migration project to evaluate top pages in terms of traffic, backlinks, and revenue to ensure that those key pages are prioritized.


03 Risk Mitigation

Not all SEO migrations are the same. That’s why we create a unique, detailed SEO migration plan for every migration we do. Using that document as a roadmap we make sure all of our i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. After our development team is done on staging, our SEO team performs a final pass, ensuring every element of the plan aligns before giving the green light for launch.


04 Post Launch Monitoring

We don’t just wish you good luck after launch. Post-launch, we’ll verify your analytics tracking is functioning as expected, resubmit your sitemap, provide you with an interactive performance dashboard, and monitor your new site closely to catch any issues and remediate them quickly.


05 Ongoing Digital Marketing Support

The job’s not done once your new site is live and traffic is stable. We’re here to help you on your continued evolution and we can help you choose just the right combination of digital channels to build brand awareness and drive sales. At ATF, we specialize in digital marketing including SEO, Content, Email, SMS, PPC, Social Media, and Marketing Automation, and we can tailor a plan to meet your needs.

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When Should You Hire an SEO for a Website Migration?

An SEO can step in any time pre-launch to help ensure your project is dialed in for SEO success, but the best time to get an SEO expert involved is at the very beginning of your website project. Involving an experienced SEO specialist from the start can help you avoid costly rework and guide you through key decisions on which ecommerce platform to choose, site architecture, and which pages should be killed, consolidated or added to your new site based on data. Bringing in an SEO too late could result in wasted time, budget, and delay launch.


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