
Grill Master

When you need to grill on the go, Magma has the products. Designed for boaters and outdoor enthusiasts, their specialty grills are fire but their website experience wasn’t telling the story. Magma came to ATF adrift with concerns about their lack of D2C sales despite their success in the market as the leading manufacturer of marine grills. Their poorly designed website was leaving potential customers with more questions than answers and abandoning ship at a frustrating checkout experience. We understood their vision and set out to create a new website capable of helping them reach their direct sales ecommerce goals.


The Challenge

With a 5x growth in overall sales and only a fraction on their own website, Magma came to us looking to dock their old site and launch a new one with an updated design and improved functionality. The new site needed to educate potential customers about their products and have an easy-to-use checkout. The design had to evoke the feeling of celebration and the fun of sharing burgers on a boat with buds. And, most importantly, it had to leave the competition in their wake.

Project Highlights

Magma’s new Shopify site blows their old one out of the water with customer focused features and a streamlined shopping experience.


You’ve got questions, Magma has answers. The all-new FAQ page offers a wealth of info for new and existing customers.

Product Reviews

No one buys anything anymore without reading reviews, so we added a review plugin to allow customers to share their experience.

Product Recommendations

Mounting hardware, accessories, and more are all easily accessible on product pages to simplify shopping and boost average order value.


Average Order Value

Average order value increased 31% YoY during their peak summer sales season.

Returning Customer Rate

Returning customer rate increased 52% for the same period


Business and technology are challenging enough, why add unnecessary BS? Move on up to the front and drop us a line.